Montana Outdoor Podcast
A weekly podcast covering the topics and people that make Montana’s Outdoors like no other place in the world.
Montana Outdoor Podcast
How Much do You Know About Montana’s Antelope? Well, you are About to Learn a Whole Lot More!!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast, your host, Downrigger Dale talks to FWP Wildlife Manger from Region 6, Scott Thompson. Scott knows a great deal about the wily Speed Goat and Rigger squeezed every bit of that knowledge out of him during this podcast, just for you hunters! So why do you suppose the Antelope populations are down across most of the state? Did you know that there is a bird that regularly hunts Antelope? What is the Antelope’s closest relative? Spoiler alert: It does not even live in North America and no it is not even close to what you are thinking! Why won’t Antelope jump over fences? When you listen to this week’s podcast you will learn the answers to those and many other questions about Montana’s Antelope! In fact, you will even learn a few hunting tips and lots more! So, what are you waiting for, click here and listen now.
After you listen if you have more questions about the Antelope be sure and click here to send Scott Thompson an email. If you want to get an idea of which areas of Montana should be good for Antelope hunting or for hunting any of the other Big Game Montana has to offer, just click here to see the 2023 Montana Big Game Hunting Forecast. How about some information about the FWP’s Block Management Program or other tools to help you plan your hunt, click here for all that! If you want to completely OD on info about the Antelope (or more appropriately known as the Pronghorn), Rigger found tons of publications and research articles from the top Pronghorn researcher in world, Dr John A. Byers just click here for a list of links to his research articles and publications. As always be sure and click here to email Downrigger Dale if you have any questions or suggestions for future topics for The Montana Outdoor Podcast! Lastly, a big THANK YOU to Feed Spot for naming the Montana Outdoor Podcast as one of the top podcasts! Check it out!
Remember to tune in to The Montana Outdoor Radio Show, live every Saturday from 6:00AM to 8:00AM MT. The show airs on 30 radio stations across the State of Montana. You can get a list of our affiliated radio stations on our website. You can also listen to recordings of past shows, get fishing and and hunting information and much more at that website or on our Facebook page. You can also watch our radio show there as well.