Montana Outdoor Podcast
A weekly podcast covering the topics and people that make Montana’s Outdoors like no other place in the world.
Montana Outdoor Podcast
Do You Want to be Able to Call Bull Elk in Like a True Master? Shawn Plakke Gives Us Another Master Class!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale sits down with former hunting guide and all-around amazing archery hunter and elk caller Shawn Plakke. Some of you may recall when Shawn was on the Podcast with Rigger last year. This year he gives us even more incredible advice and instruction on archery elk hunting. Things like when to use cow calls and bull calls, how to understand what the different calls you hear mean and so much more. When you listen to the Podcast you will also hear Shawn actually do several different cow and bull calls and go in depth about what situation is the best to use them and more importantly when not to use them. When you listen to the Podcast you will also hear A great deal of Shawn’s advice and theories that are explained by his VERY popular analogy of how guys and gals used to act back in the heights of the Singles Bar popularity back in the 1970s. As Downrigger Dale put it; “I remember last year when Shawn first said to me, that during the rut bulls and cow elk act a lot like folks used to act in singles bars. I thought, what the hell is he talking about. But when he explained it I was amazed at just how right he is. Early in the season is like 5:00 in the evening in a singles bar. Everyone is getting settled in, having a drink and looking around at the guys and the gals. As the season goes on it is similar to it being 7 or 8:00 in the bar, guys are getting their courage up to ask the gals to dance a little and maybe even try to strike up a little conversation. As the season goes on it is a lot like it was in a singles bar at around 10 or 11 at night. The liquid courage really starts kick in, caution starts to get tossed to the wind and now and then a fight might even break out!”. You just have to listen to this Podcast to hear how Shawn explains the best way to deal with all the different scenarios that hunting elk can throw at you. By the time this podcast is over you will for sure have a TON of knowledge to become a more successful hunter!
- Click Here to listen to Shawn on last years podcast and get caught up!
- During the Podcast Shawn mentioned a video he made of him calling a bull in. To watch it click here.
- If you would like to ask Shawn about the calls he does or if you have any other questions or comments click here to email him.
- Click here to look over calls and other items from Born and Raised Call Company, recommended by Shawn.
- Give Rigger a suggestion for a topic for a future podcast? Click here to send him an email.
Remember to tune in to The Montana Outdoor Radio Show, live every Saturday from 6:00AM to 8:00AM MT. The show airs on 30 radio stations across the State of Montana. You can get a list of our affiliated radio stations on our website. You can also listen to recordings of past shows, get fishing and and hunting information and much more at that website or on our Facebook page. You can also watch our radio show there as well.